Object Recognition by the Use of an Incoherent Optical Morphological Processor 用于人脸识别的非相干光形态学处理器
Performance measurement, which is the basis to catch the program behaviors, It is of importance for the recognition of performance bottleneck and discovering the utilization conditions of processor resource. 性能测试是理解程序行为的基础,对识别程序性能瓶颈,了解软/硬件资源利用情况和程序对机器性能的发挥程度具有重要作用。
In this paper, OCR recognition instrument based on the digital signal processor ( DSP) is put forward, and the contact image sensor ( CIS) is applied to acquire the document image signal. The DSP is used for document layout analysis and OCR recognition. 这里提出了基于DSP的OCR识别仪,采用接触式图像传感器摄取文档的原始图像,数字信号处理器(DSP)实现版面分析和字符识别。
This paper designs a portable embedded iris recognition system based on digital signal processor ( DSP). 本文设计了一种可便携使用的基于数字信号处理器(DSP)的嵌入式虹膜识别系统。
In order to realize high Recognition accuracy real-time speech recognition, we proposed some methods for fixed point computation according to the features of TMS320 processor. 为了实现高精度实时语音识别,还根据TMS320芯片的特点采用某些定点运算技巧。整个分析和识别软件均用汇编语言实现。
Recognition psychology regards man as active information processor, which reflects the educational ideology of taking man as foundation in teaching. 认知心理学把人看成主动的信息加工者,体现了在教学中以人为本的教育思想。
Ion is one of the most important processes for visual pattern recognition. Cellular Neural Networks ( CNN) is one parallel processor which can be used for characterizing abstraction in visual pattern recognition via real-time and fast processing. 图像特征的提取是视觉图像识别的重要方法之一,采用细胞神经网络(CNN)并行处理器进行图像特征的提取具有实时快速的优点。
This paper expounds the voice synthesis and the voice recognition technology, the voice processing system and the application of the voice processor in the electronic measurement field. 文中阐述了语音合成与语音识别技术、语音处理系统,以及语音处理器在电子测量领域的应用。
Face Recognition by the Use of an Optical Parallel Single channel Hit miss Transform Processor 击中与否单通道光学处理器用于人脸识别
Embedded recognition systems generally use a single DSP or embedded processor to complete all the algorithms. 以往的嵌入式识别系统一般采用单片DSP或者其他嵌入式处理器来完成全部算法。
In the design process, we pay close attention to the recognition rate of the algorithm and the algorithm efficiency which will enable the system to get the correct results in the premise of minimizing the occupation of the processor resources. 在设计过程中,特别注意了算法的识别率和算法的运行效率,使得系统在能够得到正确结果的前提下尽量减少对处理器资源的占用。
The face recognition technology which based on digital signal processor ( DSP) can have small size, low cost and high reliability by combining with embedded system design concepts. 基于数字信号处理器(DSP)的人脸识别技术,结合了嵌入式系统设计思想,具有体积小、成本低、可靠性高等优点。